Yeah! The Radio Maryja Wikipedia revert and edit war!
We're taking volunteers now! Don't want to go to Iraq? Don't feel like actually risking your life by painting a picture of Mohammed? Well join the war of words over at Wikipedia! I kid, I kid of course. Beatroot clued me into this edit war sometime last week I think, and I went to Wikipedia and I began to try to bring the article into some sort of factually honest state. What a stupid thing to do! I have been met with stiff resistance by a fellow who labels himself as Ksenon, and who until recently had a Heil Hitler salute posted on his user page. Ksenon, against all facts and articles that prove to the contrary, says things like:
All criticisms are included in the article. [You] are trying to shift the delicate NPOV (neutral point of view) balance towards the controversial side, totally ignoring the radio's real message and focusing only on underlining the accusations as much as possible, even if they don't have to be true.He means of course his version of the article, in which he claims RM is attacked and slandered. You ask him where the criticisms that he claims exist in his version actually are, and he'll just say they are there, even though they're not. It's like a perpetual loop, it's like arguing with a wall. This is what bothers me about Wikipedia, few individuals are going to be interested in presenting Radio Maryja in a fair light on the English version of the site, and stupid me gets sucked into this ridiculous edit war with a person who has only one agenda, to show Radio Maryja as a victim. I, in turn, have been spending way to much of my time on that site. Stupid, stupid me. So I need a reliever to come in, I'm burned out. Rdzyk's Evil Empire is so mean!
Yeah, I saw that. Maryja will be the subject of my next beatroot post actually (I'm on a roll with the religious at the mo).
Even the Episcopate has been distancing itself from Father Rydzik and his merry band of anti-Semites. It sent them a letter asking them why they are supporting the government?
Nowe ataki I szkalowanie Polski I Polakow.
Bloomberg - Jun 26, 2007
RE: Jewish Museum Warszawa 2007
Juz w samym tytule autor pani Katya Andrusz z Bloomber Polska zwraca uwage ze dopiero 62 latach praca sie zaczyna w budowie Museum Zydow Polskich w Warszawie.
Dopiero? A gzie oni bylin tyle lat. Przeciez nie na Marsie.
Pytam czemu sam Mr. Bloomberg miliarder z Nowego Yorku nie dal funduszy w czesnej na budowe Museum?
Dlaczego bogata spolecznosc zydowska z z USA, Canady i Europy Zachodniej nie dala funduszy na to wiele lat temu.
Rozmawialem tu w Waszyngtonie ze starszym bardzo bogatym kolega polsko-zydowskiego pochodzenia, czlowiekiem wartym ponad 1/2 miliarda dolarow,znany deweloper, wlasciciel budynkow,hoteli. Kiedy w pominajac mu historie zydow polskich byl calkowicie nie zainteresowany.
W glowie mu byly ze jak pojedzie do Polski do jak mozna piekne Polski poznac.
Taka sama z nieczulica byla w pogatych srodowiskach zydowskich w USA w czasie II Wojny Swiatowej. A teraz nam Polakow chca to wmawiac!!
So, where were the rich and influential Jews from New York and London? What did they do to help their folks?
Poland Starts Work on Jewish Museum 62 Years After Nazi Defeat
Poland was the only country in occupied Europe where - throughout the duration of the war - a secret organisation existed whose express purpose was to help the Jews and find, at least for some of them, a place of safety. Initially coordinated by several committees, in December 1942 this action culminated in the creation of the Relief Council for Jews in Poland, code name 'Zegota'.
What about 60 thousand Poles who lost their own lives during the war to save the Polish Jews? My grandmother from Krasnik is one of them.
'Zegota' organised financial aid and medical care for the Jews hiding on the 'Aryan side', and procured for them forged identity documents. 'Zegota' was successful in providing accommodation for many. This presented an extremely difficult problem as discovery of a person of Jewish origin on the premises resulted in an immediate execution of all the occupants.
And what about the Polish woman?, 95-year-old Irena Sendlerowa, who is credited with saving the lives of 2,500 Jews? Sendlerowa led about 20 helpers who smuggled Jewish children out of the Warsaw Ghetto to safety between 1940 and 1943, placing them in Polish families, convents or orphanages.
She wrote the children's names on slips of paper and buried them in jars in a neighbor's yard as a record that could help locate their parents after the war. The Nazis arrested her in 1943, but she refused - despite repeated torture - to reveal their names.
Anyone caught helping Jews in Nazi-occupied Poland risked being instantaneously shot, along with family members.
As soon as the Jewish Tragedy became apparent, the Polish Government-in-Exile, the Underground State and Polish diplomacy embarked on a massive campaign, informing the free world of the plight of the Jews. Efforts were made to obtain help for them from the Allied Governments, the Vatican and from various organisations in the Allied countries. There were countless broadcasts, articles in the press, organised meetings, approaches to Allied leaders and governments in which the Free Polish leaders, ministers, politicians and diplomats over and over again informed that a crime of genocide was being committed by the Germans against the Jews. (3). The full story of the Jewish Tragedy was brought to the Allied countries by special couriers from the Polish Resistance, one of them gaining access to the inside of the Warsaw Ghetto and to a death camp. The couriers tried to persuade the Allies and the Jewish organisations that there was a real danger and urgency to help the Jews. Unfortunately the efforts of the Poles were in vain. The Allies were too busy with the on-going war to consider the plight of the Jews in Poland.
Nastepny atak pani Katya Andrusz z Bloomber Polska:
"Relations between some Poles and the Jewish community have been uneasy since the Polish Families' League, a strongly Catholic party with its roots in the pre-war Polish nationalist movement, became a member of the ruling coalition in May 2006. Israel's Foreign Ministry criticized the party last year, saying it had an ``anti-Semitic ideology.''
Powielane stwierdzenie, jaki argument ma na to twierdzenie? Niech poda przyklad poparty prawda historyczna. Powielac czyjes nieuzasadnione wypowiedzi to kazdy moze.
Nastepny przyklad wybielania Niemcow a szkalowania Polakow.
``We in Europe have learnt from the barbaric past, and this museum will further aid the process,'' Richard von Weizsaecker, former German president, said at the ceremony. ``Our common task is now to make Europe complete, without the old stereotypes.''
Jednego zdania pozytywnego o Polsce I Polakach podane przez pania Katya Andrusz z Bloomber Polska.
Where is your journalistic code of ethics and – at least – common sence?
To ja podaje:
Three million Poles and three million Polish Jews perished as a result of the German occupation. Poland was the only country in occupied Europe where giving any kind of help to the Jews resulted in a collective execution of the helper and his or her family. Under such circumstances it would require a person of a special kind of courage and love of humanity to offer help to a Jew. How many saints would one find in any given community? How many such people would we find in Western Europe in the times of war? And yet there were Polish people who did help. It has always been difficult to establish the exact number of helpers, but some idea of that number can be gleaned from the Yad Vashem list of the 'Righteous among the Nations' (1). The list, as of 1st January 1997, gives the names of 14,706 persons from 34 nationalities who helped the Jews. 4,954 of them are Polish helpers. Among them are listed 11 catholic clergymen and 18 nuns.
For me, to have a different opinion is to risk being called an anti-Semite. An intelligent but objective Jewish person is called a "self-hating Jew". A "bystander" is someone who chose not to give his and his family's life for a strange, Jewish person.
Good things are happening in Poland .We don't rush to tell about the annual Jewish Festival in Krakow or about the opening of yet another Jewish school in Warsaw. Or even about the commemorating of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. We don't rush to tell about "Fiddler on the Roof" in Yiddish at the Jewish Theatre in Warsaw. Instead, we publish misleading stories about a music concert in Auschwitz (!?) and killings in Jedwabne. Why is that? American historians should stop wasting their ink only writing about alleged Polish anti-Semitism. Any atrocities toward Jews either occurred during Nazi or Soviet occupation or were triggered by revenge and greed, not to be mistaken with anti-Semitism. Also, to suggest that all Polish Jews are long gone is wrong, many prospered and became famous: actors (Holoubek, Zapasiewicz, Himilsbach, Rudzki), movie critics (Waldorf), writers (Tuwim), philosophers and editors (Michnik), politicians (Mazowiecki, Suchocka), musicians (Szpilman, Zimmerman), heart surgeons (Marek Edelman), athletes (Kirszenstein a.k.a. Szewinska), singers (Szmeterling a.k.a. Jantar). Some Polish Jews just recently became interested in their religion; Jewish schools are reopening, while the synagogues, museums, and Jewish cultural institutes have always been present in Poland's cultural life. Positive Jewish characters are in every Polish classic; there are streets named after Jewish heroes; monuments accommodate their heroism and their tragedy.
All this does not seem like an anti-Semitic country, does it? But it will stay in the American media, as long as we allow it to.
Lech Alex Bajan
Washington DC
It is time we all stood up to the liars in our media and in our congress, senate and in the White House and say, No more, no more—Israel must stop this barbarism, this Hitlerian behavior or must be condemned and cut off from any aid from the United States and its allies in the world. If we do any less, then we are complicituous in this new holocaust, and no parades, moral duty to stand up and demand this stop.
Dialog między syjonistą i politologiem
W programie „Democracy Now” z 8 stycznia 2009, prowadzonym przez Amy Goodman, odważną wnuczkę rabina, dwóch Żydów pochodzących z Polski dyskutowało napad Izraela na teren Gazy i rolę USA w tym konflikcie. Syjonista, były ambasador USA w Izraelu, Martin Indyk bronił napadu, a profesor Norman Finkelstein ostro napad ten krytykował, jako powód rosnącego kryzysu humanitarnego, w którym ostatnio zginęło ponad 700 Arabów, a tysiące zostało poranionych, podczas gdy w tym samym czasie dziesięciu Żydów straciło życie. Czterech Żydów było zabitych przez pomyłkę przez atakujące Gazę wojska Izraela.
Bardzo ciężkie bombardowania Gazy z powietrza są nadal w toku. Mimo tego ambasador Indyk popiera długotrwałe pertraktacje pokojowe między USA, Izraelem, Hamas’em, Syrią i Libanem, bez względu na przeciąganie bombardowań przez Izrael w czasie umyślnie przewlekłego przygotowywania zawieszenia broni, podobnie jak to wcześniej miało miejsce w Libanie.
W Kairze ma się odbyć konferencja na temat proponowanego przez Egipt i Francję zawieszenia broni, po nieudanych próbach Rady Bezpieczeństwa przy ONZ, gdzie USA reprezentuje interesy rządu Izraela, którego anty-palestyńską politykę popiera tylko mniejszość jego własnych obywateli.
Przedmiotem dyskusji była też książka M. Indyka: „Nowis Zagranicą: Intymne Sprawozdanie Pokojowej Dyplomacji USA Na Bliskim Wschodzie,” („Inocent Abroad: An Intimate Account of American Peace Dyplomacy In the Middle East”). Profesor Finkelstein, autor słynnej książki „Holokaust Industry,” ostro krytykuje książkę Indyka z powodu zawartych nieścisłości i kłamstw w jego publikacji, a dotyczących roli USA w Palestynie. Indyk był doradcą Hillary Clinton, obecnie wyznaczonej na ministra spraw zagranicznych w rządzie Obamy, który ma objąć władzę po 20 stycznia 2009.
Cytując wypowiedzi rządu Izraela, profesor Finkelstein udowadnia, że rząd ten po klęsce poniesionej w Libanie w lipcu 2006 obecnie chce wykazać, że może dominować Palestynę za pomocą terroru i nie chce się zgodzić na pokój według granicy z 1967 roku, proponowanej przez państwa arabskie, coroczne rezolucje ONZ oraz obecnie też przez Hamas.
USA w porozumieniu z Izraelem i ugodową dziś partią Fatah, stara się obalić demokratycznie wybrany na terenie Gazy rząd Hamasu, jak to dobrze udokumentował Dawid Rose w kwietniowym wydaniu (2008) miesięcznika „Vanity Fair.” Tymczasem blokada przez siły Izraela niszczy ludność Gazy. Opisał ten stan rzeczy między innymi naoczny świadek, były prezes Banku Światowego, Amerykanin nazwiskiem James Wolfensohn.
Izrael wykorzystuje ostatnie dni kadencji prezydenta Bush’a, jak też śpieszy się żeby dokonać dzieła zniszczenia Hamasu przed wyborami w Izraelu 10 lutego 2009. Tymczasem cały świat potępia zbrodnie Izraela na terenie Gazy, włącznie z blokadą ekonomiczną i sanitarną. Mary Robinson, High Commissioner for Human Rights twierdzi, że na terenie Gazy odbywa się już od lat brutalne niszczenie cywilizacji.
Profesor Finkelstein przeczytał wyżej wymienioną książkę autorstwa M. Indyka, w której autor mija się z prawdą i przeczy udokumentowanym faktom. Z faktów tych wynika, że tak zwany „proces pokojowy” Izrael wykorzystywał w celu ekspansji kosztem Palestyńczyków wbrew orzeczeniom International Court of Justice i budował nielegalne osiedla na ziemi Arabów. Dotąd wszelkie ustępstwa były robione przez Arabów tak, że Indyk "stawia na głowie” (czyli „stawia do góry nogami”) fakty historyczne.
W konkluzji profesor Finkelstein powiedział, że USA i Izrael powinny dołączyć do reszty świata, która chce pokoju opartego na prawie międzynarodowym, a nie popierać łamanie prawa międzynarodowego przez Izrael w Palestynie i w okolicznych krajach. Według Finkelsteina, obecnie główną przeszkodą utrzymania pokoju na Bliskim Wschodzie jest postępowanie oraz polityka USA i Izrael.
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